Published on 2nd April '13

The couple arrive at London's famous Notting Hill to start a personalised tour of all of the filming locations in the movie. A couple of weeks ago, The Proposers arranged possibly one of our most romantic proposals in London's Notting Hill. Robert, who is from the Netherlands, flew to London with his girlfriend Gillian in order to propose. Having looked through his consultation form (where he wrote some incredibly lovely things about his girlfriend) we noticed that Gillian loved the movie Notting Hill, so we decided to have this as the theme of their proposal. This is what happened:

The Proposers photographer was on hand (paparazzi style) to film them in action....and off they go! First stop: The Coronet Cinema. This is where Hugh Grant's character goes to watch the movie Helix which starts Anna Scott (aka Julia Roberts)

Gillian poses in front of the 'private garden' - the scene where Hugh Grant says the famous 'oopsidaisy!"

Gillian and Robert are then told to head to a secret venue (which incidentally is Hugh Grant's favourite drinking spot!) The Proposers have been hard at work decorating the room with Notting Hill Props personalised to the couple. The Travel Bookshop, complete with travel books of all of the places Gillian and Robert would like to visit

One particularly special book "From Notting Hill to Love Actually" from Ali McNamara (you can buy it on amazon!)

The Ritz scenes where Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts mee.

Can you guess this scene? Yup, it's the cinema scene when Hugh Grant can't find his glasses so has to wear his swimming goggles instead!

Portabello road scene. We had "aint no sunshine' playing on the sound system at this point.

The famous 'Oops a Daisy" scene (our personal fave!)

The "Horse and Hound" scene. As Hugh Grant said, "You are Horse and Hound's favourite actress"

Pictures of the couple were hung all around the room to create a 'floating gallery'

Little romantic touches - roses and ribbons

The Big reveal!

Instructions for Gillian were left around the room

Gillian and Robert arrive and start to look around (how excited does she look?)

We LOVE this photo. They both look so happy!

Gillian begins to turn over the pieces of card from the 'big reveal"

We think she realises what the words under the card say!

And now for that special moment.....

Robert gets down on one knee!!


Look at the excitement on Gillian's face! So sweet!

The gorgeous couple surrounded by their proposal scene

So what did the big reveal say? Robert had taken photos of himself holding up letters that spell out "Will you marry me?" He even included his and Gillian's family in the photos. The "M" on Marry me is held by Gillian's dad and Robert, taken just as Robert asked his permission to marry his daughter. HOW ROMANTIC If you are thinking of proposing, or need help coming up with some unique, romantic proposal ideas we can help. Whether you want to propose in the UK, London, Europe or even as far as America or Australia we arrange something spectacular for you. And remember, all of our proposals are tailored to the couple so we will never do the same proposal twice!